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Friday, October 22, 2010

The Godess of Spring

Spring has come and gone, Summer in 2010 was amazing, here in the Maritimes anyway. Fall is almost over and we are now getting ready for winter. Seasons, our lives are very simply a series of "Seasons".
When we are young, the "Season of Youth". As we grow into young adults and then full grown adults our bodies change..(excuse me… we all know this right?) you wait!! Then the Golden years, I am not yet convinced that I am in my golden years, but that is another story.

Violet Mae was born in the Spring in Botley, England. She was a simple farmers daughter with huge dreams of being something someday. Now, I could go on and on about things I do not know. She was a goddess to me, but truthfully what really makes us beautiful is it the outer layer of skin that covers us or is it what is deep within. Our hearts?

To her family she was, the primary caregiver, a fabulous cook, she sewed, and her organizational skills were second to none. She had much to say and was always chirping like that little chickadee. Monday's was wash day and dinner was always at five.

One of the most important things that made her feel happy and contented was her strong need for acknowledgment. It was not the money as she never worked outside the family home. She did Cancer fundraising and was a regular visitor at the local seniors facility, driving her neighbors to and from errands and to funerals was almost a daily occurrence.

She would litterly "give the coat of her back" if someone needed it. She never needed money or asked for it. But on the other hand, forget to acknowledge what she had done and she would never talk to you again.
I remember one thing that made her puff all up, and that was the simplest thing. Actually I have adopted it and transferred this to my own family. she would add up the weekly groceries in the grocery cart and by the time we were to the cash register she would have it all added up and the money ready to give to the girl, being out a dollar or two is all it would ever be. Sometimes she was right on the money as they say. I as a young girl, would stand in absolute awe with her ability to do that. Now here is am doing the same thing and feeling that feeling of pride when I looked at my little girl as she was so very proud of her mom for being so smart. It feels good to be looked up at and to be simply thanked.

Now to bring this character trait into our "shades of pink". 

 My brother is the most gentle, kind man I know and he would open and has opened his home of anyone in need, not for the money, never.... Oh no.... he has been handed down the trait, he feels self pride for being able to give back when he is doing well, all he wants is a simple thank you and when he gets it sincerely his face lights up. That is the true reward!

My daughter, she has the kindest heart ever, even though she struggled with that ADHA as a youngster, she grew up and now is in the mid-season of her life. She is loved where ever she sets her feet, rarely forgotten and I remember in her graduation yearbook the request that sounded over and over again was "Don't ever Change." She too has been handed down the shades of pink, she would do anything for anyone, go way out of her way to help you, all you have to do is ask. She would never ask for anything in return, no strings as they say. In this world it is very special to know that there is a friend out there that can be called any time night or day.

I could talk for days because every one of us have some piece of those around us, or of those who have passed on keeping the shades of pink alive. My mother always says ' As long as your alive your grandmother will never be dead". sometimes I'm not sure if she means that is a positive way or not, but it is true. I have another daughter who inherited the secret thing. She can keep a secret like I have never seen before as did my grandmother, my sister who is only 5 foot 2. She did not get that from my mother as she is 6 feet tall.
Take a look at those around you and have fun with who has inherited the "Shades of Pink” in your families.

I send out this invite...I would love to hear about it.

Thank you
